Bel V was pleased to host the 9th ODOBA international project meeting from February 4th to February 6th 2025 with his partners. The ODOBA project (Observatory of the durability of reinforced concrete structures) aims at studying concrete pathologies and their consequences on full-scale concrete elements in laboratory conditions in Cadarache (France).
The project, initiated by IRSN (now ASNR) in 2016, is being carried out in collaboration with the NRC (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission), CNSC (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission), VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland) and Bel V.
The meeting was an opportunity for a panel of experts to present the results from ongoing experiments mainly focusing on concrete pathologies (e.g. alkali-silica reaction “ASR” and delayed ettringite formation “DEF”) and their modelling.
On the second day of the meeting, Bel V organized, with the collaboration of ONDRAF-NIRAS and Belgoprocess, a technical visit of two facilities where concrete material will be used in the frame of the near surface disposal of category A waste: manufactory of concrete packages and the installation for the production of monoliths where, after the radioactive waste are placed in the concrete packages, the concrete packages will be filled with a concrete matrix to form monoliths.
This 9th ODOBA meeting was a fruitful experience for all the participants.